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Alienoid 2: Return to the Future (2024) | Download Korean Movie

To save everyone, Ean's job is to go back to the future. But while trying to stop alien inmates imprisoned in human bodies from escaping, she finds he
Tobi Adeboye
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Alienoid 2: Return to the Future (2024)

To save everyone, Ean's job is to go back to the future. But while trying to stop alien inmates imprisoned in human bodies from escaping, she finds herself caught in the far past. Concurrently, Muruk, who assists Ean in escaping many situations, is uneasy as he starts to see an unfamiliar entity within his body. They are attempting to stop the haava from exploding by travelling across the ages.

Alienoid Return to the Future (Korean Movie)

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SubtitleVideo contains English subtitle

What is the number of sections in the film Alienoid?

Two in succession. Although the movie was shot in one take, it will be distributed in two parts. So Ji-sub only makes an appearance in the first half, while Ryu Jun-yeol and Kim Tae-ri are the main stars in both.

Which tongue is the Alienoid?

Korean Language / Alienoids.

Is viewing Alienoid worthwhile?

Time travel, robotics, kung fu, and aliens are all combined into one. There are plenty of funny moments; although it moves slowly at times, it's still worth seeing. 

The narrative did not finish with this initial section. It's a nice one if you're seeking for fun.

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