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The Thunderbolts director discusses Star Wars sandboxes and participating in the MCU

Director Jake Schreier talks about his upcoming films, Thunderbolts from the Marvel Cinematic Universe and Skeleton Crew from the Star Wars series.
Tobi Adeboye
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  1.  Director Jake Schreier talks about his upcoming films, Thunderbolts from the Marvel Cinematic Universe and Skeleton Crew from the Star Wars series, stressing the fresh narratives being explored in each brand.
  2. Schreier emphasises the luxury of being able to investigate many concepts and viewpoints inside the vast Marvel and Star Wars universes, made possible by the interdisciplinary efforts of enthusiastic artists.
  3.  Both franchises' success may be ascribed to the creators' intense devotion and involvement, who are also fans, which is reflected in their passionate and imaginative on- and off-screen storytelling.

In regards to the directing endeavors of Jake Schreier, he engages in discussions about his involvement with diverse projects within the Marvel Cinematic Universe and the Star Wars franchise. 

In the realm of Thunderbolts, a veil of secrecy shrouds the precise details, yet it is known to center around a group comprising former wrongdoers and unconventional heroes. 

Conversely, the undertaking known as Star Wars: Skeleton Crew centers on a cluster of youths endeavoring to return home, aided by a Jedi portrayed by Jude Law. 

Though these projects diverge significantly, both signify novel narratives within their respective franchises; Thunderbolts deviates from the customary focus on traditional heroes, while Skeleton Crew aims to relate a tale of personal growth akin to the nostalgic 1980s Amblin films.

Within an exclusive interview with Screen Rant concerning Beef and Thunderbolts, Schreier delves into the experience of working within highly regarded franchises such as Star Wars and the MCU. 

This nomination for an Emmy has bestowed upon the director the opportunity to divulge insights into the transition from independent endeavors to these more prominent productions, while simultaneously examining the elements that generate excitement within these expansive realms from the standpoint of a director. 

Thus, we witness Schreier's full statement:

Jake Schreier: The remarkable aspect that strikes you is the presence of countless teams of devoted artists who possess profound affection for these works, each harboring unique perspectives and ideas to contribute. 

While smaller projects necessitate the selection and steadfast pursuit of a single concept, the allure of these realms resides in the freedom to explore different avenues and the ability to accept the possibility of error, allowing for adaptation, perspective shifts, and the cultivation of distinct visual landscapes. 

This luxury proves truly gratifying when considering the vast number of individuals who invest their passion in these worlds. By harnessing this collective zeal, the past year or so for me has been an exceptionally enjoyable voyage of discovery.

Why The Marvel & Star Wars Franchises Have Endured Over Time

It is the passion and devotion of the creators, who are themselves fans, that has contributed to the success of both Star Wars and the MCU. 

Whether their love for the original Star Wars trilogy or Marvel Comics, many writers, producers, directors, and actors have grown up with a deep affection for these universes. 

The franchises have attracted exceptionally talented artists at every level, propelling them to become some of the most beloved franchises worldwide.

This affection, stemming from childhood or recent discovery, translates into profound dedication and ingenuity behind the scenes and on-screen. 

Star Wars emerged with A New Hope in 1977 and has since expanded into an expansive interconnected universe encompassing novels, comics, animated and live-action series, and, of course, movies. 

While the MCU is comparatively younger, it has firmly established itself within the superhero genre, with the richness of its diverse narratives contributing to the growth of each franchise.

With the introduction of Disney+ streaming service, both Marvel and Star Wars ventured into live-action series, offering fresh perspectives and unexplored territories. 

The Mandalorian, Andor, Ms. Marvel, and WandaVision all occupy corners of the MCU and Star Wars that previously remained untapped. Schreier himself contributes to Thunderbolts, a story centered around a team of anti-heroes and villains, as well as Star Wars: 

Skeleton Crew, a coming-of-age tale centered on young individuals. The key to prospering for both Star Wars and the MCU lies in the shared investment and commitment between the creators and the ardent fans who adore their work.

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